Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)

June 7, 2009
Some people may look at the title of this game and think its rubbish. They are missing out on something great here. Basicly you solve brain teasers. And as you may expect they get harder as you go along. Yep thats right. But unlike most other puzzle solving games you don't start to throw your nintendo DS around the room when you get stuck, you just carry on and stay calm. The best thing about the game is the storyline. Its great how they fit the puzzles into the great storyline.

Pokemon Platium (DS)

June 4, 2009
Pokemon games always seem to come in threes. They first relsease two games that are slightly different to each other. And then they release a second where they merge the the pervious two and add a few ajust ments. This is not the 5th generation of Pokemon games, its more like the 4.5th generation. Here are the only changes:


The battle fontier is back
A few pokemon are now in the sinnoh dex so you don't have to wait untill you get the national dex
A slightly different storyline
The gyms are in...

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Little Big Planet (PS3)

June 1, 2009
This game has been avioded by many people. Hopefully that will change. This is a great game and should get better opions by people. The pre-made levels are good fun, but once you played them the only time you will play on one is to collect bonuses (most people don't do that). The best bit of this game is the level creator. Past games level creators where rubbish and rescrited. This could be the furture of video games level creators! It is brilliant. The only down side is you have to collect t...
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Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)

May 22, 2009
Super Smash bros Brawl is one of the best games ever. Basicly it is a fighting game where you have to play as a nintendo chariter and battle other nintendo chariters. Its may seem basic and rubbish but this game is incredible! Its not that much fun while you play on your known but if you play online or multiplayer it is great. The good news is due to the layout of the game when you play multiplayer there is no split screem. My sorce for this game is 9/10  
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New Super Mario Bros (DS)

May 20, 2009
Super Mario Bros has been treated harsly over the years. This is very anoying to me. Super Mario Bros is a great game. New Super Mario Bros is a great game and couldme just what Nintendo needs to get Mario cool again. The soundtrack is brilliant and the emenys dance around to it! This is a great game. 9/10 
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Warioware snapped (DSiWare

May 17, 2009
Warioware snapped is the first game to use the camera function on the DSi. Basicly all you do is move your body around and complete some mini games. I was looking forward to this but it is a disapointment.3/10
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Nintendo DSi (Game console)

May 17, 2009
The DSi has a large repuation to keep up. The DS and the DSlite where extremly good but is the DSi any better? Yes it is. The DSi is great. The camra is awsome. You can edit, take and view pictures. The best thing about the DSi is that you can download games for a very low price of the DSi shop! BUY IT!!!!!!
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